Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Ahad, 14 Jun 2009

do u still remember ur high school years?

1. Who were your seatmates?-
Form 1: Faridah
Form 2:Salbiyah
Form 3: Herna kott
Form 4: Nurhayaty
Form 5: same gak Nurhayaty

2. Still remember your English teacher?-
Form 1: sir stanley
Form 2: takbley ingat
Form 3: Miss tak ingat tp chineselaa
Form 4: Ms Nursufiyanti tp sekarang suda Puan..hehehe
Form 5: Eheheemmmmm...Mr Marzin de Vogue!

3. What was your class name?
-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 sc 1-5 sc1

4. Made friends to the lower years?
nope...not dat frenly...but m not sombong type..

5. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?- Form 1: teda..tp budak claasmate aku gosipkan aku ngan mamat nih classmate aku jugak (agak cute gak! hehehe)..aku x taula napa dorg bleh 'pasangkan' aku ngan dia (yg tak tahan suma cegu tau pasala gosip nih) sbb kami ndak penah bertegurpun (sampai sekarang)..believe it or not..gosip ni still remains sampai sekarang!

How was your table arrangement in class?- 2 pairs and triplets in the middle (i used to sit in the middle)

7. Made any enemies?- as long i can remember..NO!

8. What games did you play? passive type ('indoor' games in the class...playing BINGO, 'Roda impian', etc..hehehee)

a9. Did you buy your lunch?- yup! Regular customer.

10. Were you a party animal?- not familiar wif that

11. Were you well known in your school? nope..until my brother entered the same school then only everybody knows me (ooh....u kakak amin ya..) he's more 'fofuler' than me in the school (because he's 'mulut manis ' type..everybody was happy when he's around)

12. Skip classes? never had a chance for it..my father send and fetch me after school..

13. Did you get suspended/expelled?- naaahh..never! im a clean person!

14. Can you sing the school song? mmmmm...the lyrics some of it i still remember..but hey! give a demo first..maybe i can recall..

15. What was your favorite subject?- form 1-3 love Science (and i scored A in my PMR)
form 4-5 Biology + Chemistry! (cegu amre poyo) hahahahaaa!!!

16. What was your school’s full name?- Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kinabutan Tawau (form 1-5)

17. Did you go to the dances? ndakda...bapakku misti ndak bagi punya!

18. Where did you go most often during break? Bli makanan d kantin dan lepak d kelas (wpun dilarang lepak dalam kelas time rehat)

19. If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?-aku mo belajar lagi rajin dan dpt result lagi letop2 punya!

20. What do you remember most about 5th year- hurm...form 4-5 tuelah yg paling indah pd aku...dunno why...

21. Worst memory in 5th year?- dakdala rasanyaa...